Exploring Jewish Life and Culture at the Jewish Film Festival in Indianapolis

The Jewish Film Festival in Indianapolis is an international exploration of films and a celebration of the life, culture, identity, diversity, complexity, and history of Jews and Israelis. This year's movies include dramas, documentaries, comedies, and movies about prominent Jews in music, sports, and social action. The Jacob Burns Film Center (JBFC) is a non-profit cultural arts center dedicated to presenting the best of independent, documentary and world cinema; teaching reading and writing for a visual culture; and making film a vibrant part of the community. The JCC collaborates with organizations such as Heartland Films and WFYI to release or screen films with important topics related to the Jewish experience.

After the screenings, the forums and sessions of Q&A will be attended by filmmakers, critics, writers and experts in the fields of law, politics and culture, who will put the films in their context. In addition, they will present two special screenings of the 2K restoration of the beloved film by Vittorio De Sica, winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 1972, The Garden of the Finzi-Continis. The JCC Rockland International Jewish Film Festival is once again celebrating its twentieth season this spring, the first year in which they will be screened in person since the start of the pandemic. The world premiere of one film was held in California and the AJFF had the privilege of screening it to a large audience at Temple Beth Shalom. Afterward, there was a post-film panel featuring Marcus, director Matthew Mishory and executive director Doug Seserman from Americans for Ben Gurion. In addition to these screenings, the festival was honored to have a Zoom Q&A live with acclaimed Israeli actor Lior Ashkenazi for his first film as director, Perfect Strangers. The Jewish Film Festival in Indianapolis offers an incredible opportunity to explore films related to Jewish life and culture.

After each screening there are post-screening discussions or Q&A sessions with filmmakers, critics, writers and experts in various fields. These sessions provide an opportunity to gain insight into the films and their context. The festival also offers special screenings with 2K restoration of classic films such as The Garden of Finzi-Continis. Attending this festival is an amazing opportunity to learn more about Jewish life and culture through film. It is also a great way to connect with filmmakers, critics, writers and experts from around the world who can provide valuable insight into these films.

Whether you are looking for an educational experience or just want to enjoy some great movies, this festival is sure to provide something for everyone.

Ava Kobylinski
Ava Kobylinski

Tv aficionado. Hipster-friendly web junkie. Devoted zombie evangelist. Evil web ninja. Incurable food practitioner. Friendly beer maven.

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