Exploring the Jewish Film Festival in Indianapolis: Special Screenings and Events for Minority Communities

The Jewish Community Center (JCC) in Indianapolis is renowned for its impactful, thought-provoking, fun, engaging, and inspiring film screenings. These films bring the world and a variety of diverse perspectives to the people of Indianapolis and Central Indiana. From the Haskalah (the Jewish Enlightenment) to the early 20th century, there is a plethora of Jewish-inspired literature that has been brought to life through film.The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) premiered INCITEMENT earlier this year to great success. The movie was based on a Talmudic story about a rabbi who loses interest in his wife and the tension between a mountain that is a cemetery and a mountain that symbolizes salvation.

KLOTZ's fascinating film raises pertinent questions about documentarians' obligations to posterity and how these innovative materials were obtained. In Remember BAGHDAD, five families from the Jewish community recall a time barely imaginable in Baghdad: Iraq was booming, seeking pleasure and trust between communities reigned. The film also tells the story of America's first Jewish baseball star, who helped break down barriers to discrimination in American sports and society and was a beacon of hope for millions of American Jews who faced intolerance during the Depression and World War II. The Indianapolis National Bank's Summer Nights film series returns this year to Newfields on select Fridays and Saturdays in June, July, and August. THOSE WHO REMAINED is Hungary's Oscar nominee for best international film and is one of the ten finalist movies for that award. LE CHANT DES MARIÉES (“The Wedding Song”) has received awards at film festivals around the world.

Mountain tells the story of the sexual awakening of an Orthodox woman who lives with her family in the Mount of Olives cemetery. Stockholm is an endearing portrait of friendship in recent years. Ephron earned an Oscar nomination for Best Screenplay for the film and won the British Academy of Film and Television Award for the same title. The movie explores the birth of Jewish humor in the Yiddish-speaking Shtetls of 19th century Eastern Europe, where Sholem Aleichem and other writers brought the Schlemiels, Schlimazels, and Schnorrers to life through their colorful stories. The film's cinematographer, Dyanna Taylor, will join us in person to talk about the making of the film.RABIN, IN HIS OWN WORDS, won the BEST DOCUMENTARY award at this season's Haifa International Film Festival.At JCC Indianapolis, we are proud to offer special screenings and events for members of minority communities at our Jewish Film Festival.

We strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone can come together to celebrate our shared culture through film. We invite you to join us at our upcoming events to experience these powerful stories firsthand.

Ava Kobylinski
Ava Kobylinski

Tv aficionado. Hipster-friendly web junkie. Devoted zombie evangelist. Evil web ninja. Incurable food practitioner. Friendly beer maven.

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