Who Organizes the Jewish Film Festival in Indianapolis?

The Indianapolis Jewish Film Festival is a unique event that celebrates Jewish life and history through the medium of film. Founded by Robert Epstein, the festival has grown from a four-day event with fewer than 20 films to an 11-day celebration with more than 300 feature films and over 100 filmmakers. The festival is open to people of all faiths and many of the films are screened at Christian venues. The JCC works in collaboration with organizations such as Heartland Films and WFYI to release or screen films related to the Jewish experience.

Epstein wanted the movies to be inspirational, but also included a few avant-garde films. He also discussed Kasztner, his Jewish childhood in Indianapolis, and his work with Nielsen on Creepshow. The Indianapolis Jewish Film Festival is an incredible opportunity for people of all backgrounds to come together and explore different aspects of Jewish life and history. It is a chance to learn about the culture, share stories, and gain a better understanding of the Jewish experience.

The festival has become an important part of the Indianapolis community, providing an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate their shared heritage. It is a unique event that celebrates Jewish life and history through the medium of film. The Indianapolis Jewish Film Festival is an incredible opportunity for people of all backgrounds to come together and explore different aspects of Jewish life and history.

Ava Kobylinski
Ava Kobylinski

Tv aficionado. Hipster-friendly web junkie. Devoted zombie evangelist. Evil web ninja. Incurable food practitioner. Friendly beer maven.

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