Donate to Support the Jewish Film Festival in Indianapolis

Donating to the Jewish Film Institute (JFI) is an excellent way to show your support for the organization's mission of presenting Jewish films and media, supporting filmmakers, and expanding its reach. Your donation will help JFI continue to provide a platform for exploring complex and nuanced Jewish topics, as well as introducing viewers to Israel's young but thriving film industry. Your gift will also reinforce the transformative power of film and media to entertain and engage us, turn conversation into action, and rethink our understanding of Jewish cultures and identities. Sustaining donations are essential for JFI to achieve its goals.

These donations provide critical resources to reinforce and improve JFI's role as the primary presenter of Jewish films and media, support emerging and established filmmakers who explore complex and nuanced Jewish topics, and expand JFI's reach and reputation regionally, nationally, and internationally. Rooted in the inquisitive spirit of the Bay Area and in Judaism's principle that learning is a lifelong pursuit, JFI's diverse programs and initiatives illuminate the full diversity of Jewish experiences through screenings, performances, and events. The highlight of the festival is the screening on January 22 of The Levys of Monticello, a documentary directed and produced by Steven Pressman. The festival's feature films are based on various considerations, such as awards and nominations, current topics, and contributions from the film community.

Interns are expected to work 12 to 20 hours per week, with the possibility of working longer hours during film festivals. Employers of all sizes have matching gift programs that will match or even double your tax-deductible contributions to the Jewish Film Institute. This is an excellent way to maximize your donation and make an even bigger impact. Donations can be made online or by mail.

By donating to JFI, you are helping to ensure that this popular film festival continues to encourage an understanding of Israeli and Jewish culture. Your contribution will help JFI continue its mission of providing a platform for exploring complex and nuanced Jewish topics. It will also help JFI continue its work in presenting quality films that explore a variety of topics related to Jewish culture, history, identity, and more. Your donation will go a long way in helping JFI continue its mission of providing a platform for exploring complex and nuanced Jewish topics.

So please consider donating today – your support is essential for JFI's success!.

Ava Kobylinski
Ava Kobylinski

Tv aficionado. Hipster-friendly web junkie. Devoted zombie evangelist. Evil web ninja. Incurable food practitioner. Friendly beer maven.

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